Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis Geomechanical modeling
Petroleum System Evaluation Long-term monitoring for gas storages
Seismic data interpretation Digital Topography in GIS environment
Pre-Seismic Survey Geologic Studies Fracture Characterization
Basin Analysis

Marine Multichannel Seismic Reflection acquisition

Geophi offers high and ultra-high resolution multichannel standard marine seismic services in shallow to deepwater environments.
Our higly portable ecquipment offers the possibility to reach remote places as mountain lakes, dammed lakes, rivers and coastal water, maintaing the resolution of multichannel seismics.

Coastal and transition 2d Seismic Reflection acquisition

No more seismic data gap along the coastline.
Geophi experienced the continuos acquisition of seismic lines between land and water combining marine and land technologies.  

Multichannel Seismic Processing

Geophi offers:
Full processing sequences of both marine and land seismics. 
On board real time and post processing services.
Old data refreshing services.