MARCO ANTONELLINI - Curriculum vitae:


Department of Earth Science and Environmental-Geology.
University of Bologna
Via Zamboni 67
40126 Bologna

Laboratori di Scienze Ambientali "Renzo Sartori", Ravenna
IGRG (Integrated Geoscience Research Group), CIRSA,
University  of Bologna
Via Sant’Alberto 163 Ravenna

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1990-1994. Stanford University. Graduated in June 1994, degree: "Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences". Thesis title: "Structural and Fluid Flow Properties of Faults in Porous Sandstones".

1988-1990. Michigan State University. Degree obtained: "Master of Science" (in geology). Thesis: "Occurrence of Sills in Extensional Environments".

1980-1984. University of Bologna (Italy). Degree obtained: "Dottore in Scienze Geologiche" (B.S. in Geological Sciences). Thesis: Geomorphologic and Geomagnetic Surveys in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. Final grade 110/110 "cum laude".
Hydrologic processes in general and in particular of  saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Interaction between climate, (sub)surface- hydrology, vegetation and properties and structures of soil and rocks. Development of Decision Support Systems.
Associate Consulting Professor at Stanford University (California, USA). Contract professor at the Univesity of Bologna.
Currently teaching courses on Hydrology and Geohydrology and on Fossil Fuels. Previous courses include geomorphology.
2001-present. Associate Consulting Professor at Stanford University (California, USA). Contract professor at the Univesity of Bologna. I am currently involved in the following activities and projects:

Hydraulic and structural characterization of carbonate rocks (Stanford University).
Reservoir characterization with Geoinformatics (Stanford University).
Teaching of field techniques for the hydraulic characterization of rocks (techniques for the hydrogeological and structural characterization) at graduate level (Stanford University).
Teaching the classes in “Fluid Flow Through Rocks” (short course), Geomorphology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology at the University of Bologna.
Dynamic of salt water intrusion along the Adriatic coast (Bologna University).
Aquifer petrophysics characterization with well tests (Bologna University).
Wetland Hydrology (Bologna University).
Geomechanics methods to evaluate subsidence and cavity collapse risks in the city of Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina).
Geotechnical consultant for the Italian ministry of justice.

1999-2000. Consultant in the field of fluid flow characterization in aquifers and reservoirs.

1997-1999. Geoscientist at Amoco Corporation (Exploration and Production Technologies - Geosciences).

1995-1997. Research associate for Shell Research and Independent Consultant.
Stecchi F, Antonellini M, Gabbianelli G, and F Mancini, 2007. Approccio multidisciplinare per lo studio della subsidenza nell’area di Tuzla (BiH). Proceedings of Asita 2007, Politecnico di Torino, 456-505.

Ulazzi E., Antonellini M., and Gabbianelli G., 2008. Saltwater Intrusion in a Unconfined Coastal Aquifer: The Case Study of Cervia (North Adriatic Sea, Italy), in Meire P. editor, Integrated water management, practical experiences and case studies, Springer, 295-308.

Antonellini M., Tondi E., Agosta F., Aydin A. and Cello G. 2008. Failure modes in deep-water carbonates and their impact for fault development: Majella Mountain, Central Apennines, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.10.008.

Antonellini M., Mollema P., Giambastiani B., Bishop K., Caruso L., Minchio A., Pellegrini L., Sabia M., Ulazzi E., and Gabbianelli G 2008, Salt water intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the southern Po Plain, Italy. Hydrogeology Journal, in press.

Mollema P N, Antonellini M, Minchio A ,Gabbianelli G, 2008 The Influence of Three-dimensional Dune Topography on Salt Water Intrusion in Marina Romea, Italy: a numerical modeling study using LIDAR data. SWIM Salt water intrusion Meeting volume, Naples, Florida, USA.

Giambastiani, BMS, P. Mollema, Antonellini M. (2008) Groundwater Management in the Northern Adriatic Coast (Ravenna, Italy): new strategies to protect the coastal aquifer from saltwater intrusion. In: Groundwater: Modelling, Management and Contamination; NOVA Publishers Ed.

Ulazzi E, Antonellini M, and G Gabbianelli, 2008. Characterization of the coastal phreatic aquifer of the Cervia area (NE Italy), in APAT Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d’Italia, National Workshop on Developments on Aquifer Sedimentology and Groundwater Studies, E Vallone (ed), Roma.

Gabbianelli G, Antonellini M, Mollema P, Minchio A, Stecchi M, Balugini E, and D Savelli, 2008. Caratterizzazione idrologica-idrogeologica delle dune costiere: test sites nella costa ravennate. In BEACHMED-e in Emilia Romagna, R Montanari et al (Editore), Bologna.

Antonellini M and Mollema P. N. (2010). Impact of groundwater salinity on vegetation species richness in the coastal pine forests and wetlands of Ravenna, Italy. Ecological Engineering DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.12.007

Balugani E., Antonellini M., 2010. Measuring salinity within shallow piezometers: comparison of two field methods. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Paper ID 9401040.