ROSSELLA CAPOZZI - Curriculum vitae: |
ROSSELLA CAPOZZI Affiliations: Department of Earth Science and Environmental-Geology. University of Bologna Via Zamboni 67 40126 Bologna tel +390512094551 fax +390512094522 Laboratori di Scienze Ambientali "Renzo Sartori", Ravenna IGRG (Integrated Geoscience Research Group), CIRSA, University of Bologna Via Sant’Alberto 163 Ravenna tel. +390544937369 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
1982- M.Sc in Geological Sciences (University of Bologna) (score 110/110). 1983-1987- Ph.D in Earth Sciences (University of Bologna). Title of the Ph.D thesis : “Evolution of the Apennine foothill in Romagna: relationship between tectonics and sedimentation from Late Messinian to Pleistocene”. 1992 -1994 - research fellowship, assigned to the CROP Project (Deep Crust seismic investigation) by the Italian National Research Council (Committee for Geologic and Mining Sciences). |
Spontaneous fluid emissions. Natural leakage of brines and hydrocarbons (oil, gas and condensate), locally associated with mud volcanoes. Focus on the relationships between the geologic evolution and geochemical characters of the and natural seep occurrences. Studies on organic carbon-rich intervals (sapropels) of Pliocene to Recent age, occurring in the northern Apennines, Adriatic foredeep and Mediterranean basin. Relationships between sedimentation and tectonics, dynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Apennine chain and the Calabrian Arc. Task Unit of the SINAPSI Project (2002-2004) (Seasonal, INterannual and decAdal variability of the atmosPhere, oceanS and related marIne ecosystems. CNR-MURST): titled: “Biogeochemical Cycles in the Adriatic Sea: the present condition and the fossil record”. Principal Investigator of Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research PRIN 2009 Program (2011-2013): "Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbons enriched seepages". Participation in the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research PRIN 2006 Program: “Tectonic and sedimentary processes and fluid escape pathways within the accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc through swath bathymetry, vertical incidence high resolution seismic reflection surveys and sampling campaign.” |
1995-2006 - Researcher of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Bologna. Since 2006 Associate Professor in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Bologna. TEACHING: Geomorphology (for Bachelor of Science students in Geological Sciences) Physical Geography (for Bachelor of Science students in Environmental Sciences) Geology and Lithology (for Bachelor of Science students in Environmental Sciences) Sedimentology for MSc. students in Marine Biology Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (IMCZ) (for MSc. students in Environmental Sciences). |
1990 – research contract with the Department of Earth Science of the University of Bologna, dealing with “The study of the stratigraphy, sedimentology and of the structural setting of the Northern Apennines montain front of Bologna province and Romagna region, for the compilation of sismotectonic maps”; 1990-1991 - coordinated the working group for the research contract between l’ENEL-DCO-ROMA and the Department of Earth Science of the University of Bologna, (principal investigators Prof. A. Castellarin and Prof. G.B. Vai) aimed to the compilation of a: “Geologic and structural map for the Emilia-Romagna Region (scale 1:200.000)”. 2004-2007 - Research contracts between Edison SpA and CIRSA (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Scienze Ambientali, University of Bologna, Ravenna, Italy) titled: “Model of the structural evolution of the Po-Venetian Plain and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin during Oligocene and Miocene: morpho-structural setting of the terrigenous foredeep in relation to the structural evolution of the Southern Alps and the Apennines”. 2009-2010 - Research contracts between Provincia Autonoma di Trento and the Earth Science- Environmental Geology Department of the University of Bologna, titled: “Geothermal study on the Comano - Ponte Arche, Rocchetta - Mezzolombardo, Riva del Garda - Arco and Cogolo - Pejo districts in the Southern Alps”. Technical-scientific collaboration to define the deep hydrogeologic system with the aim to assess new exploitation sites. |
Capozzi, R. and Picotti, V., 2006. Genesis of cold seeps and mud volcanoes of the Northern Apennine foothills. CIESM, 2006. Fluid seepages / mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and adjacent domains. CIESM Workshop Monographs n°29, 59-64. Capozzi, R., Negri, A., Picotti, V., Dinelli, E., Giunta, S., Morigi, C., Scotti, P., Lombi, G. and Marangoni F., 2006. Mid-Pliocene warm climate and annual primary productivity peaks recorded in sapropel deposition. Climate Research, 31,137-144. Picotti V., Capozzi R., Bertozzi G., Mosca F., Sitta A. and Tornaghi M., 2007. The Miocene petroleum system of the Northern Apennines in the central Po Plain (Italy). In: Lacombe O., Lavé J., Roure F., Vergès J. (Eds): Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins. Special Volume of Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Chap. 6. Springer-Verlag, 117-131. Artoni, A., Torelli, L., Capozzi, R., Polonia, A., Lorenzini, S., Oppo, D., Calarc Group, 2008. The Apenninic-Maghrebian prism of Inner Calabrian Arc as imaged by subsurface data in the Squillace embayment (Calabria, Southern Italy). Rendiconti Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 3 (2008), 38-39. Cenciarini, M., Gabbianelli, G., Capozzi, R., Tramontana, M., 2008. Evoluzione tardo-quaternaria della Piattaforma continentale calabro-ionica compresa tra Capo Colonne e Capo Spartivento. Rendiconti Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 3 (2008), 206-207. Polonia A., Torelli L., Capozzi R., Riminucci F., Artoni A., Ramella R., and the CALARC Group, 2008. African/Eurasian plate boundary in the Ionian Sea: shortening and strike slip deformation in the outer Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge. 27° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS Trieste 6-8 ottobre 2008, Extended Abstract Book, 37-40, Capozzi, R., Negri, A., 2009. Role of sea-level forced sedimentary processes on the distribution of organic carbon-rich marine sediments: A review of the Late Quaternary sapropels in the Mediterranean Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 273 (2009) 249–257. doi: 10.1016/ j.palaeo. 2008.05.009 Capozzi, R., Picotti, V., 2009.The residual potential of the Northern Apennine petroleum system. A geochemical and structural study of spontaneous seeps. AAPG European Region Annual Conference, Paris-Malmaison, France, 23-24 November 2009, 4 pp. Capozzi, R., Picotti, V., 2010. Spontaneous fluid emissions in the Northern Apennines: geochemistry, structures and implications for the petroleum system. In: Goffey, G. P., Craig, J., Needham, T. & Scott, R. (eds) Hydrocarbons in Contractional Belts.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 348, 115–135. Capozzi, R., Artoni, A., Torelli, L., Lorenzini, S., Oppo, D., Mussoni, P., 2012. Neogene to Quaternary tectonics and mud diapirism in the Gulf of Squillace (Crotone-Spartivento Basin, Calabrian Arc, Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology. 35 (2012) 219-234 Oppo, Davide; Capozzi, Rossella; Picotti, Vincenzo; Ponza, Alessio, 2015. A genetic model of hydrocarbon-derived carbonate chimneys in shelfal fine-grained sediments: The Enza River field, Northern Apennines (Italy), «MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY», 2015, 66, pp. 555 - 565 Capozzi, Rossella; Negri, Alessandra; Reitner, Joachim; Taviani, Marco, 2015. Carbonate Conduits linked to Hydrocarbon-enriched Fluid Escape, «MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY», 2015, 66, pp. 497 - 500 Viola, I; Oppo, D.; Franchi, F.; Capozzi, R.; Dinelli, E.; Liverani, B.; Taviani, M., 2015. Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrography of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from Enza River, Northern Apennines (Italy), «MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY», 2015, 66, pp. 566 - 581 Oppo, Davide; Capozzi, Rossella, 2015. Spatial association of mud volcano and sandstone intrusions, Boyadag anticline, western Turkmenistan, «BASIN RESEARCH», 2015, in press, pp. 1 - 13 |